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What is the book dummy?

A book dummy is a hand made sketch booklet that is the size and number of pages of the finished book.  Typically, I use a 32-page dummy. I make this by hand by folding and stapling together eight large sheets of paper.   Next, I trim the paper with a straight edge and razor blade, to be the actual size of the book.


I number the pages of the book, then I tape the words into place.  On each page I draw directly in the booklet with a 2B pencil.  I do not tear out pages, but I am likely to erase a lot to get the picture right. The dummy is a good place for me to make mistakes and solve problems. I use my thumbnail as a starting place, and add details in the dummy. 


The finished dummy, goes to the editor for review.  Then I do another round of more finished sketches on tracing paper to be transferred to watercolor paper for coloring.

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